1. Big news! We officially founded with representatives from the entire food value chain the Cooperative Koopernikus with Gut Rheinau, BachserMärt, PicoBio, Samses, Rampe21, Ernährungsforum Zürich, Chornlade! We feel mega hyped & happy to work together within a larger team. It feels like a movement with meaning
2. At Koopernikus we are responsible for IT. Our plan is to get to know all personally, to code individual appearances and to create the Koopernikus IT platform from the intersection of needs
3. The Koopernikus finance group discussed how to finance the development of the IT platform. One idea is to finance our team by receiving CHF 4000/month and CHF 4000 in form of food that we can resell within our community
4. Thanks to the input of Pospi & our long-term goal to switch to Holochain, we decided to switch from REST to GraphQL and to code & test a product service
5. Johannes added all producer data (name, website, address)of Zollfrei products into exel list