Update #103

23 August 2021

1. Isa has migrated the vendor service to GraphQL and can be deployed

2. As part of the ETH World Food Systems Summer School Stakeholder Panel, we had the opportunity to present Koopernikus and Lightwave to answer questions from a variety of people from all over the world

3. Lucas and Johannes took product pictures together at Zollfrei. We experimented with natural & light elements. It was fun

4. David and Johannes have drawn up a list of members with possible organizations that can join us

5. We had a good conversation with Ernährungsforum Forum Zürich (EFZ) & Ernährungsrat Freiburg. With EFZ we will possibly submit an application together to the City of Zurich

6. Dominik and Johannes have found a symbol for the logo for Koopernikus - will continue to work on it