Update #106

16 September 2021

1. Isa codes the User-Service

2. We had a Koopernikus meeting to discuss our logo, flyer & project plan. We will meet regularly once a month

3. ✨ We submitted the application to the city of Zurich - wish us luck!

4. Dominik & Johannes have continued to design drafts of a new Lightwave logo

5. Raphi & Johannes presented the latest Lightwave update to David & the Holochain Community

6. Laura, Isa, Raphi & Johannes had the first Lightwave Finance Call to discuss how we can best use the money. We rely on an open, transparent communication & accounting

7. We support Marilu at the Autumn Equinox Ceremony to build heart connections & evolve our culture with events for pachamama & humankind

8. Johannes handed over the founding documents to Patrick & discussed how FoodCoops can network with Lightwave

9. We will submit an application to Clima Now

10. David, Raphi & Johannes went over the Mission Model Canvas & reminded the importance of data transparency about money & goods flows