Update #118

06 December 2021

1. Tibor coded the front end of the profile & Isa is coding the user service in the back end. We will develop the other back end elements together to establish a connection to the front end.

2. We added details to the design & documented all user stories. Next, we develop user stories & modules for producers, processors & logisticians so that our marketplace becomes more needs-based for them. For this, Raphael & Johannes meet at David (Gut Rheinau) this week.

⚖️ 3. With the income from Pico & Gut Rheinau orders, our need for legal security & professional accounting has increased: Laura therefore takes responsibility for our finances. Thanks ????. We are in the process of how best to draw up our employment contracts.

4. At Koopernikus we are preparing everything for the GV for the official foundation.

5. We have successfully started the kick-off of the values ​​group. We have presented our 2-week documentation & discussed which values ​​we have created in everyday life without monetary payment.