1. In the process of determining the MVP, we noticed that we needed a little more information on how the picking works at Gut Rheinau. That's why we're visiting Martin this Wednesday.
2. We have revised our accounting. We have added invoices for work performed and bundled the orders from Gut Rheinau and Pico for a better overview.
3. The Koopernikus cooperative is officially registered in the commercial register. We ask Pico if they can temporarily do the bookkeeping for Koopernicus.
4. In the values group, we discussed how we can best deepen the values with guests in videos and how we can agree on concrete digital values for the economic cycle in group workshops.
5. Yvonne Lötscher (Head of Sustainable Nutrition City of Zurich) & Elisabeth Rohner (Head of Coordinated Procurement City of Zurich) are interested in getting to know our food value chain.