1. Isa has completed the Product-Vendor Relation Service and will be deployed, Tibor is currently programming the Order Service
2. Dominik & Johannes have designed drafts of a new Lightwave logo
????3. Isa & Johannes designed a UI for the supplier app
4. Laura & Johannes envisioned that events/festivals on sustainability & spirituality can become part of Lightwave to connect people on a personal way
5. Holi & Johannes have exchanged similar ideas as well as opportunities to finance the Holochain development with a Holochain friendly foundation
6. Dennis and Johannes exchanged the possibility of integrating an academic study with Koopernikus with the WFSC Ambassador program to research food structures in other cities in South Europe
7. We have revised the last details of the project plan and can finally submit it to the City of Zurich
8. Lucas and Johannes were in Zollfrei making product pictures - we will team up with Raphi to see want are the best conditions to make pictures