Update #133

02 April 2022


1. We are preparing for the campaign workshop. By already thinking about which tools we can use:

2. Events - To reach the different target groups, such as end customers via FeldzuTisch.

3. Social Media/Newsletter - Use common strategy/content for our different channels.

4. Seulgi and Tibor have created a detailed overview for our API endpoints, which can also be used within the code via constants.

5. Seulgi and Isa develop the workflow for our features to be implemented using user stories.

6. We added information fields on the product & producer page.

7. Laura has set up an agenda board for the next finance call & is looking for a good accounting tool.

8. Raphi makes the FeldzuTisch website for the series of events from our network.

9. Isa set up a password manager for all major work web platforms.