Update #141

09 June 2022

1. During the 2nd campaign workshop at MehralsGmües, we were all able to come to the same level of knowledge and already feel a sense of optimism.

2. Toghether, we decided that the target group of our campaign in the first phase will be Zurich residents and end customers.

⭕️ 3. We have created further working groups at Koopernikus: Communications, Corporate Idendity and Finance.

4. With 01 MVP Alpaca, we created a design template in which we focus on processes and flows - we took out complexity to better understand the demands on our IT infrastructure.

5. We explored synergies with Katharina (Regenerate) and Mathias (Bio Foundation).

6. We visited Felicia and Mathias from FeldzuTisch Basel and had an inspiring exchange about our experiences and possible cross-regional funding of a common IT infrastructure.

????‍7. We visited Hans Peter Meier from BioMeier and got to know his farm and philosophy of life.