Exploring the Multiverses

The official Lightwave Blog 

Exploring the Multiverses

The official Lightwave Blog 

Update #35

24. February 2020

Laura, Johannes, Ronel & Raphi started to spend time together. To find out how we can contribute to Lightwave together.

Update #34

10. February 2020

New videos from other SDG platforms are coming ????????❤.

Update #33

15. January 2020

Johannes Kübel talks (15.01.2020) @Solve for Tomorrow by Samsung & Impact Hub Zürich about how Lightwave wants to connect all sustainable organizations around Zürich with a federal community network.

Update #32

2. January 2020

We are happy to share Zurich's sustainability map with you. There are a total of 1200 organizations that consciously or unconsciously pursue a Sustainable Development Goal (SDG). This enables us to provide a better insight into the sustainable potential of Zurich. ????????❤️

Update #31

27. October 2019

We show you a small technical idea of ​​the Lightwave prototype (10'2019).

Our concern was to combine a project management tool, ideas marketplace, social discourse via video software, participatory budget & decision-making processes on one platform.

We were happy when the process worked. We managed to develop a tool that enables a decentralized basic democratic social design process. But the challenge is still the low user-friendliness. Above all, there is a lack of design and fluid compatibility of the various modules.

Ein weiterer Punkt ist, die zentrale Datenhaltung mit Holochain zu dezentralisieren und mit einer mobilen App kompatibel zu machen. Dann gibt es noch die Hürde, es den Menschen näher zu bringen. Sie sehen also, es ist noch ein langer Weg zu gehen. Aber wir genießen die schöne Reise 🙂 Auch in einigen der oben genannten Punkte haben wir Fortschritte gemacht.

We used the following technologies for the prototype (10/27/2019): - Firebase (https://firebase.google.com) - Angular (https://angular.io) - Jitsi Meet (https://meet.jit.si) - Aragon (https://aragon.org) - Rocket.chat (https://rocket.chat) - Meta Mask (https://metamask.io) - Ethereum (https://ethereum.org)

Update #30

26. October 2019

Johannes Kübel talks (26.10.2019) @Climathon by Climate KIT & Impact Hub Zürich about how Lightwave wants to support collaboration between people and organizations who are interested to reach the sustainable development goals (SDGs).

Update #29

3. October 2019

To get to know more people from the blockchain sphere in Zurich, Johannes went to the HWZ event. There Raphi Seebacher presented Holochain and both exchanged for the first time after the event.

Update #28

14. September 2019

At Euforia, Johannes pitched Lightwave for the first time in front of an audience. There Ronel sat on the jury. Ronel and Johannes connected directly after the pitch and talked about the importance of indigenous knowledge and medicinal plants and how we can co-create in Lightwave.

Update #27

13. July 2019

We have expanded the list of organizations from Zurich that are pursuing an SDG to 450 | Otherwise we started to program the new prototype | We are currently looking for a front-end developer to implement the design details of the concept

Update #26

3. July 2019

Prototype 0.3 concept | The landing page is ready | Are satisfied because the design fits well and Lightwave gets to the point | Reflecting, it is exciting to see how the prototype develops further