Exploring the Multiverses

The official Lightwave Blog 

Exploring the Multiverses

The official Lightwave Blog 

Update #25

2. July 2019

Together with Tibor & Milos, we tested the prototype properly for the first time | It was really necessary to see if the software draws the full potential of the collective intelligence | There is a lot to improve | Therefore we are working on another concept | Lightwave prototype 0.3 | Goal: Minimalize & beautiful design to create the best UI | After all, digital collaboration should be fun | Peace & Love

Update #24

25. June 2019

Set up workplace | Yesterday there was a meeting with Robert at a Bitcoin Talk. He is passionate about programming and is enthusiastic about the idea that we had a Skype call with Tibor today to discuss the Statua Quo. | We agreed to continue working on Notion to better organize Lightwave | Tomorrow we will skype after Lightwave is set up on Notion.

Update #23

24. June 2019

More SDGs added | Other organizations uploaded to the website | Paper from the collective process | First call to an organization | Help from Philippines for the list | Further discussions with programmers for the technical infrastructure | Strategy for further implementation

Update #22

2. June 2019

Prototype 0.2 is ready | Alliance list expanded by 500 organizations | 2 prototype testing including feedback ????.

Update #21

17. May 2019

Reflect | Prototype 0.2 in development Expand alliance list Develop seo & design concepts Send invitations for the prototype Content via social media Finances / resources well set up Full strength & in gratitude ????.

Update #20

15. May 2019

Updating alliances list of SDG projects/organizations

Update #19

11. May 2019

Contact potential alliances & post a list on Lightwave | There are a lot more active people than you think! When the exchange among each other starts to grow, many beautiful things can arise ❤????.

Update #18

6. May 2019

Regenerate & reflect

Update #17

4. May 2019

Collect ideas how to best test prototypes with several people

Update #16

3. May 2019

Prototype 0.2 | start coding